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About LJSA
LJSA Board
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Limestone Soccer Club
Limestone Junior
Soccer Association
Limestone Junior Soccer Association
LJSA Board Scheduled Meeting Dates
(2rd Sunday of every month at 8
:00 PM
at 721 N. Tower Road)
Current Board Members
Vice President of Rec:
Vice President of Travel:
Nick Heskett
[email protected]
[email protected]
Adam Smith
[email protected]
Coach/Player Development Director:
Daniel Smallwood
[email protected]
Fundraising Director:
Kyle Holmes
[email protected]
Fields Director:
Chris Cape
[email protected]
Communications Director:
LJSA Charter
This organization will be known as Limestone Junior Soccer Association, hereafter referred to as LJSA.
The purpose of the corporation is exclusively for charitable, educational, and athletic purposes, within the meaning of 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Specifically, the corporation is organized to promote the development of physical, social and mental skills associated with youth sports; encourage sportsmanship, teamwork and respect for rules; and promote and encourage the playing of youth soccer by teaching the techniques and rules of soccer to the children of our community and neighboring areas.
LJSA is a community-based, inclusive, volunteer led and managed soccer club. "Community-based" and "inclusive" mean that, to the greatest extent possible, we provide opportunities for all interested children to play with others of comparable ability. We do not exclude or cut children from playing on teams. "Volunteer led and managed" means that our club leaders and coaches volunteer their time to serve the Limestone area communities through LJSA.
We offer a local area program in which we strive to create balanced teams comprised of a mix of talents and skills. An ideal season is one in which a team wins about half of its games. In the Travel program, we create teams based on the skills of players relative to each other and seed teams in travel league divisions based on their ability relative to teams from other community-based soccer clubs.
The governing body of LJSA will be the Club Board, hereafter referred to as the Board.
Functions of the Board:
1. Establish and amend by-laws and other club policies.
2. Approve any and every capital expenditure (e.g. field development, field acquisition, field equipment) greater than $500.
3. Provide counsel and guidance to the Club President on matters of operations and policy
4. Choose and discharge the Club President and officers.
Number of members: Four at-large directors plus the Club President, Vice President of Rec, Vice President of Travel, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board will consist of 9 total members.
Board Member Terms of office: Four years.
Board Decisions: All matters of policy will be decided by a simple majority vote. A majority of the current active Board members shall constitute a quorum.
Nomination Process
Every four (4) years, or as Board officers resign from the Board, the existing Board will select the necessary officers. The officers will be selected by full Board vote. (February 1)
1. Upcoming Board vacancies identified (March)
2. Number of available Board seats determined (March)
3. Open Board seats announced via email, Facebook, newsletter, word of mouth, etc. Any member from the soccer community may run for board seat. (March)
4. The existing Board votes on the proposed slate of candidates (April)
5. Candidates notified of results (April)
6. Departing members leave the Board and new members are installed (April)
7. Incoming Board convenes (April)
Club operations will be managed by Club Officers and appointed program directors:
Club Officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
Functions of Club Officers:
1. Club Officers will appoint Program Directors and other leaders as they shall, in their sole discretion, determine necessary for club operations, including:
• Coach and Player Development Director
• Fundraising Director
• Communications director
• Fields Director
2. Manage soccer operations.
The duties and responsibilities of the members of the Club Officers and leadership team members shall be as follows:
• President - The President shall officially preside at all meetings; be Chair of the Board; be the official representative of LJSA; be authorized to sign checks
• Vice President of Recreational League – Shall manage the day to day operations of the LJSA. The Vice President will recruit, train, and develop referees to officiate matches. He/she shall also be responsible for scheduling referees as needed. The Vice President with the longest service duration shall succeed to the office and powers of President in his/her absence or for the remainder of his/her term if vacated for any reason. In the event of such a vacancy, the Board shall elect a successor to the post of Vice President. The Vice President shall be authorized to sign checks relating to Recreational operations.
• Vice President of Travel – Shall manage the day to day operations of the Limestone Soccer Club, the travel/Super Rec arm of LJSA. The Vice President with the longest service duration shall succeed to the office and powers of President in his/her absence or for the remainder of his/her term if vacated for any reason. In the event of such a vacancy, the Board shall elect a successor to the post of Vice President. The Vice President shall be authorized to sign checks relating to Limestone Soccer Club.
• Secretary - The Secretary shall attend to all correspondence for the LJSA, keep detailed minutes of all Board meetings, keep records as necessary, and correspond on behalf of the LJSA with the knowledge and permission of the President.
• Treasurer - The Treasurer shall have charge of the finances of the LJSA. He/she shall manage the finances of LJSA, report on any issues related to finances at Board meetings, and be authorized to sign checks.
• Coach and Player Development Director - The Coach and Player Development Director shall be responsible for organizing and implementing events that promote the development and consistency of LJSA coaching resources and that promote the development of soccer skills and love for the game among LJSA players.
• Communications Director - The Communications Director shall be responsible for locating sites for future growth possibility and providing updates to the full Board with regard to progress of securing a future site. He/she will also be responsible for working with the Secretary to facilitate communication into and from the community regarding matters of interest or pertaining to the LJSA. He/she will also assist the Fundraising Director in communications to the community regarding sponsorships and events in support of LJSA.
• Fundraising Director – The Fundraising Director will be responsible for raising capital for future growth of the league in regards to securing a site for new fields, and raising needed revenue for ongoing league operations. The Fundraising Director will also be responsible for securing yearly team sponsors. The Fundraising Director will also be responsible for planning and scheduling concession workers.
• Fields Director - The Fields Director shall be responsible for communicating with LJSA Board officials regarding field requirements and field use and maintenance. The Director will also provide oversight to the field allocations in our communities and to field development activities.
The Board shall have the authority to suspend any member of LJSA (Board member, officer, Program Director, coach, or player) whose conduct is considered detrimental to the organization.
Fiscal year - The fiscal year shall be defined as the period May 1 – April 30.
Budget - A balanced budget for the forthcoming year shall be prepared by the Treasurer and be approved by the Board before the fiscal year.
Major expenses - Major non-budgeted expenses over $500 shall require majority approval by the Board.
Bank Account - All monies shall be promptly deposited in either a savings or checking account in LJSA' name.
Expenses - Expenses shall be paid when due. Checks shall be signed by two of the authorized signers depending on the group the expense is related to.
Expenditures - Funds shall be spent only in the interest of the LJSA.
Reporting and Reconciliation -- The Treasurer shall provide a financial report to the Board on a monthly basis, including a complete bank account reconciliation.
Disbursement of Funds Over $500 -- Any disbursement over $500 requires the approval by the Board
Should the LJSA be dissolved, all funds currently in the treasury shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.
The Board shall have the power to deal with any matters not explicitly covered by the By-laws.
This Constitution or any section thereof, may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board. Written notice of any proposed changes shall be made to each member of the Board at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which such proposed changes shall be submitted to a vote.
This Constitution was approved by the Board of Directors on March 22, 2016.
Limestone JR Soccer
Limestone Soccer, Limestone High School
Bartonville, Illinois 61607
[email protected]
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